
Scientific Leaders

François Guillaume :
Marc Dussauze :


The SIV (Vibrational Imaging and Spectroscopy) platform provides students and researchers from the academic and industrial sectors with a high-level instrumental park for the emergence of innovative research and access to training on the most up-to-date spectroscopic methods.

Raman spectroscopy (11 spectrometers)

  • 5 Raman spectrometers coupled to confocal microscopes are available with a wide range of excitation wavelengths from near infrared (fluorescent samples) to near UV (Resonance Raman Scattering RRS).
  • 1 Raman spectrometer is coupled to an Oxford-type cryogenic rod for measurements combining Raman and neutron scattering under controlled temperatures (2K-400K) with two excitation wavelengths at 532 nm and 785 nm. Location on the Very Large Research Infrastructures (TGIR) of Saclay (LLB) and Grenoble (ILL).
  • 2 Raman spectrometers coupled to confocal and AFM microscopes for measurements in transmission or reflection at a nanometric spatial resolution (Tip Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy, TERS).
  • 1 spectrometer for Second Harmonic Generation (SHG), hyper-Rayleigh and hyper-Raman spectroscopy.
  • 1 spectrometer coupled to a confocal microscope for hyper-Rayleigh and hyper-Raman imaging.
  • 1 spectrometer for Raman Optical Activity (ROA).

Infrared spectroscopy (10 spectrometers)

  • 4 FTIR spectrometers for conventional measurements in the far-infrared (FIR), mid-infrared (MIR) and near infrared (NIR) regions.
  • 2 FTIR spectrometers (allowing standard NIR measurements) coupled to microscopes for imaging.
  • 1 FTIR spectrometer (allowing standard NIR measurements) for polarization modulation measurements in transmission and reflection (PMIRRAS) .
  • 2 FTIR spectrometers (allowing standard NIR measurements) for Vibrational Circular Dichroism (VCD)
  • 1 portable FTIR spectrometer in the MIR region
  • Accessories available on all FTIR spectrometers: ATR, specular reflection, diffuse reflection, transmission cells for liquids and gaz.

Fluorescence, UV-visible absorption (3 spectrometers) and nanoscopy (2 microscopes)

  • 2 fluorescence spectrometers for excitations and emissions in the 250-2500 nm wavelengths range.
  • 1 UV-visible absorption spectrometer in the 190 - 900 nm spectral range.
  • AFM (2 microscopes)